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A very welcome return, then, for one of Britain’s most inventive bands, starting a new
chapter afresh that builds on the brilliance of their first outing and takes it to a new level
entirely. 2024, it’s fair to say, is ready for Feet to stomp all over it.

When FEET self-released their debut album in 2019, the group offered up a particularly
oblique title: What’s Inside Is More Than Just Ham.

But once fans and casual listeners alike delved into the record, it didn’t take long to realise
that the band were offering something far meatier than wafer-slim slices of that eponymous
sandwich filling. Instead, here was a record that saw them carving up thick slabs of guitar
music that careered wildly between flavours of indie-pop, psych, and even subtle shades of
new wave across an exciting and brilliantly unpredictable 35 minutes.

The album attracted acclaim from music titles across the land, but there was praise for the
band’s bold visuals too. The video for ‘Petty Thieving’, one of the band’s early standouts,
came accompanied by a video that saw them donning armour and chainmail to stage the
silliest Medieval fight since Monty Python and the Holy Grail.