Home » Kiiōtō at Papillon ( Seated Show )

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Kiiōtō at Papillon ( Seated Show )

Wednesday 19th June we welcome Kiiōtō to Southampton for a special seated show over at the beautiful surroundings of Papillon.
The musical project of Lou Rhodes, Mercury-nominated singer/songwriter and founder member of Lamb, and multi-platinum songwriter and keyboardist Rohan Heath, together they have recorded an album that is both richly instinctive and inquisitive, infused with a transporting spirit of ongoing exploration and discovery.
Releasing on NUDE Records this summer, the album channels earthy jazz with beautiful textures, dark spacious gems experimental folk with modern blues and dark pop.

Lou and Rohan share roots in Manchester’s early nineties music scene, but until a few years ago had only met only twice. “She was a bit aloof to be honest,” Rohan says of their second interaction backstage with mutual friends. Fast forward to 2021, and the tail-end of lockdown. The same mutual friends asked Rohan to collaborate on a track they were working on and he contacted Lou about writing some lyrics to it. “There was something about the way he communicated, even in emails, that interested me,” Lou says, “I was just beginning an MA in Poetry and had pretty much stepped away from music and Rohan was writing a novel, but we decided to meet for a coffee anyway.”

A relationship grew from here, and the pair became inseparable. The track in question fell by the wayside, each seemingly too engrossed in their literary projects to make time for music. But the piano in Lou’s kitchen had other ideas, drawing them back into a world they thought they’d left behind. “I just started to play,” Rohan says, “Lou would be cooking while I improvised, and then she’d start to sing melodies over what I was playing. We kept saying we shouldn’t work together but the project just wouldn’t let us go.